However, I have to depend on transportation. So I have to rely completely on my ever present positive attitude. People believe me when I say that it has been a real struggle to keep that trademark outlook of mine. A few people have helped me accomplished this. And they are going to be honored here today in this post. But this is an entry that I want everyone to feel free to leave the names of things that inspire you.
First and foremost, I am inspired by my mother. She has to be the strongest person I know personally. She almost died twice giving birth to me. And while she has had a few shining moments, most of here life, she suffered different types of abuse and hardships. Yet, she has a confident, determined woman. She is the sole reason I am alive today. I strive to be as much like her as I can.
My Inspiration goes way beyond family, though. I have a select few friends that have also inspired me. The first of these is Lexi. She and I meet when I was looking for a new coping mechanism. What started as a major Rp partner became my best friend. See, Lexi is a high functioning autistic. When I first meet her she was just starting to cope with her diagnosis. It was hard because of course no one could tell she had it.
Eventually, she got it together enough for me to come visit and move in with her. I was there for two years. Within those two years , I watched a young woman struggle to come to terms, but not succumb to it. And she did. Lexi learned her triggers and how to tell others when she felt a meltdown. I am so inspired by her that I finally decided to go and see my neurologist.
Another tremendous young lady named Aubrie Cox has been inspiring me for years. Aubrie has both Fibromyalgia and EDS. Despite that, she has made it through four years of undergraduate school, receiving her B.A. in Literature and Writing. Now she is making her way through grad school, and the haiku community with her blog,Yay Words! She has not once let her conditions let her down. I want to be more like her, and pretend my condition doesn't effect me.
Heather Beck is another friends who has had her share of pain.I mean that literally. She suffers from Lupus,a disease without a cure. She also had bipolar disorder, which can be very hard to deal with sometimes if you don't have the right meds or care. Socially speaking, I know it gets hard for her, but she fights through it. For all her trouble, she tries her best to remain positive.
These are just a few people that have helped and continue to do so. Just remembering what they have accomplished helps me remain optimistic. And so for that, they will all forever be in my debt.
Thank you for mentioning me... (I'm Heather Beck.) No matter what, never surrender!