Monday, March 19, 2012

The Bigger Picture

So far we've talked about physical pain. Let's talk about the mental effects that sometimes accompanies conditions such as Cerebral Palsy. Mental ailments are commonly associated with these conditions because of the fact that often, we feel alone.

However, a lot of have things like depression and anxiety disorders are hard wired into us. In my case, I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorder.For these, I am medicated. Sometimes, it doesn't work. Most of the time, it does. Anxiety disorder itself varies. For me, it is evident when I start picking sores both new and old.

The trick with this and other mental conditions is to find a way to cope. Medicine can only do so much. It is up to us to do the rest. Here is what I do:

1. My first go to is to make sure I have taken my medicine. One missed dose can really mess me up.

2. If it's noise bothering me (such as a crowded café or mall), ear buds do the trick. I never ever leave home without them. Some people are worried about their cellphones. I worry about not having my Skull Candies.

3. Distraction is my favorite. This works best for when I am trying to tune myself out of my surroundings, or trying to keep negative thought from infiltrating my otherwise positive thought process.

So those are my coping mechanisms in a nutshell. What about you guys? Feel free to leave me your tips and tricks!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes earbuds can deafen people, so be careful not to blast it. C:

    I cope myself mainly by distracting myself.
