Wednesday, May 9, 2012

New Accomplishments, New Goals, and New Starts

First and foremost, I need to say: Dreams DO come true. But it's not a wish one time and it happens kind of deal. You have to work for them, and over the last two months, I have been working towards mine. What is mine, you ask? Well, you're really not supposed to tell, but I can share at least part of it with you. Balance. I have been working really hard to gain and keep my balance the way it once was. And my friends, I am regaining said balance.

I had a recently wonderful day of therapy, and I recorded it. I am excited to be sharing it with you, and hope that it will serve to remind you, even on your roughest days and trials all things are possible with a little faith. 

As for  future dreams, I have taken steps to try and start my own jewelry making business. Not try. Actually do it. Doing it online is going to work, but I need the right tools. In June, I am taking a Small Business Seminar at CCBC of Hunt Valley. (Community College of Baltimore County). I am so happy. This could be the start of something amazing.  Let us hope it all works out. 

I am here to prove that when you want something bad enough, you go through whatever trials and hardships you need to go through, and reach your goal. Today, for example, there was no way in the name of God I was in the mood to go out and do anything, but I did it, and I found information that inspired me.  So my advice and lesson for today? If you have a dream, whether big, or small, don't just sit there talking about it. Take action. The only obstacle in your way is you! If I can do it on my worst day, you can do it any time you want! 

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